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작성일 : 13-04-10 03:43
(Pasadena, CA)Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto-Pasadena Symphony
 글쓴이 : Admin
조회 : 12,353  


Jose Luis Gomez

April 27, 2013 2:00 pm 8:00 pm 
at Ambassador Auditorium

Pasadena Symphony 
Jose Luis Gomez, CONCDUCTOR

Superstar violinist Chee-Yun is a “talented instrumentalist, with the kind of high-gloss tone that pulls sensuously at the listener’s ear,” raves the New York Times. A perfect match for the intensely passionate music of Tchaikovsky’s personal love letter – his indelible Violin Concerto. Jose Luis Gomez, winner of the Georg Solti conducting prize, leads the orchestra in Borodin’ majestic landscape of Central Asia. Plus, the world premiere of Composer-in-Residence Peter Boyer’s Symphony No. 1 conducted by the composer himself – a grand finale to Pasadena Symphony’s 85th anniversary season!

Watch a preview of violinist Chee-Yun:!



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