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(NY)Rising Stars of KOREA GALA by K-Arts Ballet

Rising Stars of KOREA GALA by K-Arts Ballet 

July 11 & 12, 2016 at 7:30PM
Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space (2537 Broadway, New York, NY 10025)

Tickets: Free Admission (RSVP required)


Le Corsaire, Pas de Deux of Medora and Ali 
Esmeralda Pas de Deux of Diana and Actaeon
I Feel Pretty (Contemporary Ballet)
The Calvalry Halt, Pas de Deux of Maria and Pierre
Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux ©The George Balanchine Trust
Sinawi (Contemporary)
Talisman, Pas de Deux of Bayu and Niriti
The Swan Lake, Pas de Deux of Odile and Siegfried
What about Classical Movements?
Monologue ©2016 VKIBC Compulsory for Senior division
Stars and Stripes ©The George Balanchine Trust
La Bayadere, Nikiya's Death
Don Quixote, Pas de Deux of Kitri and Basil
Mob (Contemporary) 

Review for 2015 K-Arts Dance Company in Paris

"Very often I worry about the future of ballet and dance, but after seeing the K-Arts performance on Friday, I am now able to be excited and positive about the future of our precious art. The artists are so strong in their technique, control, and artistry, but above all, I could see and feel their passion." - Diana White, former soloist, New York City Ballet, a répétiteur with the George Balanchine Trust 

"The quality of whole performance was really wonderful. I am very impressed by dancers' artistic and technical skills. The company prepared well its program. Especially, I enjoyed the Nikiya's solo of Soobin Lee. " - Clotilde Vayer, Ballet Master, Opera National De Paris 

Korea National University of Arts presents K-Arts Ballet, comprised of students from its School of Dance, in a mixed repertory program. The internationally renowned K-Arts Dance Company has thrilled audiences around the world in prestigious venues such as the Kennedy Center (Washington DC), Ailey Citigroup Theater and in London, Paris, Lyon, Tokyo, Beijing, Stockholm, Philadelphia and San Francisco. The company offers a unique melding of contemporary ballet and Korean culture with superb skills of classical ballet. 

Dancers from K-Arts School of Dance have been dominating many international ballet competitions such as Valentina Kozlova's International Ballet Competition, Varna Ballet Competition, Youth America Grand Prix , USA International Ballet Competition, and Arabesque Russian Open Ballet Competition. 

Also, graduates from the school have landed leading roles in many internationally renowned ballet companies such as Mariinsky Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, ABT Ballet, Boston Ballet, Houston Ballet, Tulsa Ballet, Orlando Ballet, Joffrey Ballet, Alonzo King LINES Ballet, Dutch National Ballet, Spain National Ballet, Hungary National Ballet, Finnish National Ballet, The Norwegian National Ballet, Rumanian National Ballet, Polish National Ballet Monaco National Ballet. 

Free Admission, but RSVP required via For more information, please visit


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